So nutzen Sie Ihr vollständiges Potenzial.

  • Ursachenforschung an Ihren "Root Causes".

  • Wiederherstellung des Gleichgewichts in Ihrem Körper.

  • Ein Körper im Gleichgewicht ermöglicht Ihnen ein erfülltes Leben.

Sind Sie interessiert, mehr über Functional Medicine zu erfahren?

Sprechen Sie direkt mit mir und finden Sie heraus, wie das Zero Six Nine Signature Programm Sie in Ihrer Situation unterstützen kann.

Ich freue mich darauf, Sie kennenzulernen, um persönlich mit Ihnen zu besprechen, wie Sie die Kontrolle über Ihre Gesundheit zurückgewinnen und das körpereigene Selbstheilungs-Potenzial nutzen können.

Access my FREE Ebook on conquering chronic Lyme disease

Ebook “The Chronic Lyme Disease Solution”

You don't have to live with Lyme forever!
Living with chronic Lyme disease typically means living with constant pain, exhaustion, and sporadic symptoms that doctors can’t seem to explain. You’re given one course of antibiotics and told that you have to deal with symptoms for the rest of your life! But if the problem has been cured, shouldn’t they stop? What these doctors don’t tell you is that Lyme is a multi-system condition, so one course of medicine will never work. It’s time for a new approach.
Are you tired of waking up and knowing it's going to be one of those days? Do you miss the joyful, pain-free person you used to be? Do you wish you had a way to make it all stop, for even just a day?
If so, then Dr. Eva-Maria Hasenbeck has the answers for you! Dr. Eva uses her knowledge as an MD, IFMCP, Member of ILADS, Fellow of the American Academy of Ozonotherapy and certified practitioner of The Wahls Protocol, HeartMath and ReCODE 2.0, to show you:

  • The truth behind your symptoms so you can stop them at the source

  • How to boost your energy levels and mood without more prescription drugs

  • The secret to your successful Anti-Lyme lifestyle

  • How to finally get back to the life at your pace

If you want to turn your condition around and stop chronic Lyme in its tracks, then pick up your copy of The Chronic Lyme Disease Solution today!

Please send me my FREE Ebook copy of The Chronic Lyme disease Solution.


“Find The Keys To Your Unique Healing Experience.”